The island of French Polynesia


The island of French Polynesia

French Polynesia: (in Tahitian: Pōrīnetia Farāni, (in French: Polynésie française): (English:, French Polynesia) is a group overseas subsidiary of France which is about five archipelagos Polynesian located in the South Pacific, the most famous islands, the island of Tahiti in group Society Islands, Tahiti and is the most densely populated island and the seat of the provincial capital, is a city of Papeete. Though Clipperton Island is not part of the county, but it remained under the management of French Polynesia until 2007.

Were not groups of islands that make up French Polynesia officially united until the establishment of the French protectorate in 1889, which first settled the islands where indigenous Polynesians were the Marquesas Islands in AD 300 and the Society Islands in AD 800. The Polynesians is a tribal court is the central leadership. European communications began in 1521 when he saw the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan Pukapuka Island in the archipelago of Twamoto. And then found the Dutch Jakob Rogevin island of Bora Bora coincidence in Society Islands in 1722, and visited the British explorer Samuel Wallis island of Tahiti in 1767 and visited the French explorer Louis-Antoine de Bougainville Tahiti in 1768, while the British explorer James Cook visited in 1769 .Then began Christian missions Maallekena Spanish who stayed in Tahiti for a year from 1774; and the concentration of Protestants Mnlundn of the Missionary Society permanently in Polynesia in 1797. in 1803 forced King Bomara II (King of Tahiti) to flee to Morea then embraced it and his flock of Protestantism in 1812 in 1834 arrived in the French Catholic missionary to Tahiti; reason and expelled in 1836 France sent a gunboat in 1838 in 1842, was placed under Tahouatta Tahiti and French protectorate, to allow Catholic missionaries to work undisturbed. Was the founding of the capital Papeete in 1843.
In 1880, France annexed Tahiti, and the situation has changed from a colony to a French protectorate. Octets in the nineteenth century, France demanded Twamoto archipelago, which formerly belonged to the ruling dynasty Bomara, without formally annexed. After the announcement on the protection Tahuato in 1842, considered the Marquesas are all French, and in 1885, France appointed a governor and established a council, which gave it the overall management of the colony. English attempts did not succeed in the British House of Commons to put Dzrramatara and Roroto under British protection in 1888, and annexed it in 1889 France issued postage stamps for the first time in the colony in 1892. The first official name for the colony was Établissements de l'Océanie (any settlements in Oceania), in 1903 was changed to the General Council advisory board and change the name of the colony to Établissements Français de l'Océanie (any French settlements in Oceania). In 1940, the Department of French Polynesia recognized formally the Free French Forces and many Polynesians served in World War II.
On September 16, 1940 and on without the knowledge of the French and Albulenizin at that time, included the Council of Ministers on the time of the prince and Japanese Prime Minister Konoh Fumimarobolinezia French among the many lands that were to become the property of Japanese in the period after World War, albeit in the context of the war in the Pacific Pacific Japan were not able to launch an actual invasion of the French islands. In 1946, was granted French citizenship of the Polynesian was change the status of these islands to the territory of the Overseas; then changed the name of the islands in 1957 to Polynésie Française (French Polynesia).
After the independence of the land of Algeria from France, which was the area of ​​nuclear testing were chosen island ringed Mururoa in the archipelago Twamoto in 1962, the new location of the test; tests were conducted underground after 1974 and in 1977, was granted French Polynesia autonomous internal part; In 1984, been expanded autonomy.
In 2004, the group became French Polynesia overseas subsidiary of France. In September / September 1995, France raised widespread protests by resuming nuclear testing on the island ringed Fangataufa after the end of a formal moratorium on this activity for a period of three years.
The recent nuclear test was on January 27, 1996 in the January 29, 1996, France announced that it will accede to the Treaty of the Comprehensive Test Ban and stopped the tests after that.
At 1 January 2009, the population stood at 264,000 people, up from 259 596 in the census in August / August 2007, 68.6% of whom live on the island of Tahiti alone, with a total population in the capital Papeete 131.695 inhabitants (according to Census 2007) .
  In the census of 2007, 87.3% of people living in French Polynesia where they were born, 9.3% were born in France, and 1.4% were born in the provinces of France outside of French Polynesia and outside of France, and 2.0% were born in foreign countries. In the census of 1988, the last census asked the questions related to ethnicity, found that 66.5% of people Polynesian is ethnically mixed, 7.1% were with Polynesians Almakhltin ethnically lightly with the Europeans and / or East Asia, 11.9% of Europeans (mostly from the French), 9.3% of whom are descendants of the original inhabitants of mixed European and Polynesian, nominate Demis (literally means "half"), and 4.7% of them are from East Asia (especially China).
Stationed, Europeans and Asians and Middle Demis on the island of Tahiti, particularly in the urban areas of Babbitt, where the share of Babbitt of these populations, which is much more than in the whole of French Polynesia. [1] ethnic mixing continuously since more than a century in French Polynesia, which led to the existence of a mixed community. For example Gaston Flosse, the leader of French Polynesia for a long time, is Demis (European father and Polynesian mother). And his main rival and former president, Gaston Tong Sang is a member of the East Asia community, the current president Oscar Temaru ethnically Polynesian (father from Tahiti and the Cook Islands from his mother), but he also acknowledged the Chinese origins.

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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