It's time to harvest lavender


Pictures charming lavender harvest time ...

Nothing is the most wonderful view of lavender fields, radiation, where these fields are spread all over the world and is considered a tourist interesting to watch active for all the tourists who visit the area where these fields are located. It represents the romance and beauty of lavender plant, and therefore is very popular at the global nature photographers who pick the coolest her photos.

Where is the lavender fields in the world?
These fields are spread in several locations around the world, including the Canary Islands, and Southeast Asia, and the eastern state of India, and north and east of the African continent, and in the US state of California and in Britain as well. But the best known are those in the southern European countries, such as Italy, Spain and the south of France, of course, specifically in the area of ​​Provence.

When is the best time to see the lavender fields Bnoarha violet?Lavender flowers begin to flourish every year in the month of June this process and extends until mid-July, so this is the only period during which that can visit the fields, watching Noarha violet picturesque and take great photos.

What are the uses of lavender plant?The first use of lavender plant was home decking, being sold in markets and the flowers are bought by shoppers to decorate their homes. As this plant is also used for medicinal and health purposes, it contains healthy ingredients for the healing of various diseases headaches and physical pains, insomnia and others. In addition, the plant is converted to aromatic oils for the purpose of perfuming rooms and objects. And of course we can not not mention the delicious lavender tea which calms the nerves, is quite popular all over the world.

Who uses lavender plant?It began to use this unique plant in the distant past when the Arabs and the Greeks and Romans, human and continued using the plant for various purposes until this day, until it became a one of the most famous plants on the face of the earth.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.

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